How to motorize a honey extractor ?

By learning how to motorize a honey extractor, save up to 450€ !

In this article, I am sharing with you a tutorial to convert a manual honey extractor to an electric extractor.

A french version of the tutorial is available on this page.

extracteur miel motoriser

Most of the beekeepers end up buying a honey extractor.
Whether you are an amateur or a professionnal beekeeper, this purchase is relatively expensive.

In order to reduce their expenses, some beekeepers prefer to buy a manual extractor. However, it is not recommanded. It is better to choose an electric honey extractor.

It provides way more advantages.
The extraction will be more efficient. You will extract more honey and you will also save a lot of time.

Thanks to this tutorial, you are receiving a nice gift.
You will learn to convert a manuel honey extractor to an electric one.

By buying your own items and wiring the motor yourself, you can reduce your expenses by 450€.

In this tutorial, all the tools needed are listed below.
Each step of the motorization is fully detailed.

The wiring diagram, which costs 39€ can be found below. It is the most important part of the tutorial.

This diagram is specific for the motorization of a DC motor.

Before starting the tutorial, there are two important points :

  • In order to wire the motor, it is highly recommanded to have basic electrical skills.
  • The motorization is suitable for an extractor with 3 to 9 frames.

The elements needed to motorize your honey extractor

  •  Motor Groschopp DC Gear box kg94-60 180V 0,1kW 457u
  • Speed Variator : AC 220V Dc 0-180V 0-400W Motor
  • 3 ways switch
  • Motor coupling shaft
  • The wiring diagram

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Part 1 : Install your motor

This tutorial has been done on a 9 frames Quarti extractor.
If you use another extractor, you will need to adapt some of the steps to your extractor size.

In this first part, we are adding a motor to the honey extractor.

Estimated working time : 3 hours

1 ) Remove the existing crank from the manual puller.

2) a – Measure the diameter of the puller shaft (in our case 14 or 16 mm).

Depending on the diameter, as well as the motor shaft (in our case 10 mm), find the suitable coupling. On the manual extractor of this tutorial, our coupling is 4 cm high.

b – To avoid any friction between the coupling and the motor, you must leave a small gap, measuring approximately 1 to 2 mm. It will then be necessary to lift the motor.

accouplement moteur miel

c – To do so, install a plexi wedge. His thickness will depend on the height of the coupling. In our case, the block has a 1 cm thickness.

Fix the motor on the block and screw it on the stainless steel rod.

moteur extracteur
moteur extracteur

Advices : 

👉 Install temporarily the motor with the coupling to determine the exact place and thickness of the plexi wedge.

👉 If you don’t have a stainless steel drill, provide for a steel drill by regularly adding a small quantity of oil.

At the end of part 1, make sure the motor is horizontal and the coupling is linear with the two shafts.

Part 2 : Motorize a honey extractor

Estimated working time : 3 hours

Motor caracteristics :

  • this type of motor is already sold with some extractors
  • a german motor with 100 watts and 3200 tr/mn
  • DC, 0 to 180V

Additional note : the gear driving the shaft can be turned

To power this DC motor, it is necessary to use a frequency converter, supplied with 220V (AC) but delivering a DC voltage of 0 to 180V.

3 ways switch + variator

The different items for the connection 

  • 1 power cable for the variator (see photo below, black cable) (power supply + cable 3×1,5mm2)
  • 1 cable with 5 wire from the variator to the motor (see photo below grey cable) (cable 3×1,5mm2)
    The 5 wires include 2 for the stator, 2 for the rotor and 1 for the ground (mandatory for safety purpose)
  • Option for the general power supply : provide fuse holder (optional) of 2 to 3 amps upstream from the variator.
  • Wiring : 1 cable 3×1,5 mm2 and its 220 V plug+ 1 cable 6 wires 1mm2 + 6 electric pods

Large box with its 2 types of cables

Inside of the large box

Connection features

👉 The variator can be installed in a large box. In our exemple, the box measures 19x12x8cm and is attached to the foot of the extractor.

👉 Use of a three ways switch to reverse the rotation direction. Install it on the large box.

Advice : prefer a switch without self holding to avoid any risk of reversing the rotation direction too quickly. It could break the coupling.

👉 Wiring : follow the wiring diagram

Once the wiring is done, set the potentiometer to 0. Then, power up the variator using the switch. Press the latter (on one of the chosen positions) and gradually increase the motor variation using the potentiometer.

Great savings

By following this tutorial, you have all the elements to motorize your manual honey extractor.

See in details how much you are saving :

how to motorize honey extractor

You now have a homemade honey extractor, fully motorized.

If you are lacking some electrical skills, try to find a family member or a friend to help you !